Losing money in the cryptocurrency circle is not scary, but having your desires expanded is scary!!!

I think you all have noticed that cryptocurrency investment can easily become a casino. Economist Wang Fuzhong mentioned in a speech: "Bitcoin has increased more than 20 million times since its birth. What does it mean?

If you bought 5 yuan at that time, you would have 100 million now. If you bought 100 yuan, you would be on my friend Hu Run's rich list now.

It can be seen how strong the desire of cryptocurrency makes people want to gamble.

I have said that "the biggest harm brought by gambling is not losing money, but expanding people's desires.

There is nothing wrong with losing money, and money can be earned again, but for a person who currently has only 5,000 yuan a month, if he is used to winning or losing 8,000 yuan a day, he may be like this for the rest of his life, because he may find it difficult to choose a serious job again

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