Every day, I am either trading or on the way to trade. In the morning, the exchange rate surged to 58,400 again, but the attempt failed and it still failed to break through. At present, the exchange rate is hovering at a high level near 58,200, and is undergoing a normal shock correction phenomenon. Each surge will be accompanied by a small correction. There is not much room for correction, indicating that the power of the bulls has not yet ended. The current shock market is in preparation for further upward attack in the later period. We can focus on the market in the late afternoon and evening. Whether Bitcoin can break through 60,000 and whether Ethereum can break through 2,500, we will wait and see.

Bitcoin 57,800-57,500, target near 59,000

Ethereum near 2,350, long, target near 2,400#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高