The depth of interest rate cut policies and the market’s multi-dimensional response

Small differences in interest rate cut policies, such as the difference between 25 basis points and 50 basis points, can significantly affect market trends and investor psychology.

Targeting a 25 basis point rate cut:

- Market opinions are divided: An interest rate cut of this magnitude has divided market opinions. One side views it as a mild response to the economic slowdown, reflecting the Fed's prudent attitude; the other side worries that it will not be enough to boost the economy, exacerbating doubts about growth potential.

- Subtle reflection of recession concerns: The 25 basis point adjustment subtly reflects different interpretations of the economic recession - whether it is a precautionary buffer or the risk of recession is emerging, and the market mentality is becoming more cautious.

- Subtle shift in capital flow: The interest rate cut signal prompts the adjustment of capital strategies, with the flow away from traditional interest rate-sensitive safe havens such as bonds and towards risk areas such as the stock market and real estate that have been suppressed by previous interest rate increases, indicating a short-term rise in market risk appetite.

Let’s talk about another 50 basis points interest rate cut:

- A strong signal of recession warning: Once the interest rate cut reaches 50 basis points, the market generally interprets it as the Federal Reserve's deep concern about the economic recession, which is regarded as a direct confirmation of a sharp economic slowdown, thus triggering market panic.

- Profound changes in market sentiment: Although this sharp interest rate cut may stimulate the stock market to rise in the short term, in the long run, it will deepen the uneasiness about economic fundamentals, increase the volatility of the stock market, and increase the demand for safe havens, prompting capital flows to gold and the US dollar. Waiting for safe harbor.

- Large-scale migration of funds: Fear of recession prompted funds to flee high-risk assets on a large scale and quickly pour into safe-haven assets. This process not only intensified market volatility, but may also pose liquidity pressure to market participants who rely on financing. This particularly affects companies and asset classes that are highly dependent on external funding.

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