Tony reviewed the exSat project milestones in detail, highlighting the collaborative efforts that have driven the project’s rapid development from January to now.
January 2, 2024:
Tony first recalled the “magic moment” when the proposal to embrace the BTC ecosystem and transform EOS into a Bitcoin Layer 2 solution (BTCL2) was made. This proposal marked the starting point of exSat, sparking initial discussions in the BP chat group.
January 11, 2024:
At the first BP meeting, Tony presented a document outlining the vision of EOS as BTCL2. This in-depth discussion led to the formation of the SEAL Volunteer Team, a group of motivated individuals who will drive the project forward through brainstorming and active exploration of the EOS-BTC ecosystem.
January 30, 2024:
The project name "exSat" and the token name "xSat" have been finalized through community consensus. Tony described this phase as one of intense brainstorming and thinking about how exSat can differentiate itself from other BTC projects. The decision focuses on extending Bitcoin's consensus through the exSat Docking Layer, an infrastructure designed to expand Bitcoin's influence.
February-March 2024:
In the following months, multiple rounds of discussions finalized the exSat product architecture. Tony noted that the team is committed to creating an innovative solution that will not fall into the trap of being just another homogeneous BTC project. The exSat docking layer is designed to extend the Bitcoin consensus and become a key differentiator.
March-April 2024:
The team then focused on writing the exSat white paper, establishing R&D and business structures, and preparing for a public launch. The white paper was first released at the BTCL2 conference in Hong Kong, where Yves La Rose gave a keynote speech. The official website was released simultaneously with the announcement, marking the project’s first public appearance.
April 10 – May 5, 2024:
Tony said exSat made its first public appearance as a sponsor at the Asia Bitcoin Conference in Hong Kong, attracting the attention of major industry players and media such as Forbes. During this period, the team also continued to refine the product design and framework while deepening business development work.
May to July 24, 2024:
With strong support from business development efforts, the testnet was successfully developed and launched. Tony proudly announced that exSat has secured cooperation from mining pools representing more than 40% of BTC hash power, as well as agreements with 21 validator nodes (each staking 100BTC). He highlighted the speed at which the project went from concept to functional testnet, noting how quickly exSat gained industry recognition.
July 25 to July 27, 2024:
exSat made its debut at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, where it served as a 3-Block sponsor. Tony called the event a "huge success," further raising exSat's profile. The testnet was launched during the conference, marking a major milestone in the project's timeline and laying the foundation for a full mainnet launch.
August-September 2024:
As debugging on the testnet continues, Tony noted that business development efforts are also ramping up as more mining pools and institutional nodes join the network. The focus now shifts to ensuring a smooth onboarding process for mainnet partners and preparing the required infrastructure for a successful launch.
September 25, 2024:
Tony highlighted the final preparations for the mainnet launch, which will take place after the Antelope Spring 1.0 hard fork. He stressed the importance of this phase to ensure exSat is secure, stable, and fully functional. The team remains focused on key tasks such as final debugging, software audits, and working closely with partners.
September 26 – October 25, 2024:
The team will work to synchronize the 840,000 BTC blocks leading up to the Bitcoin halving and conduct external audits of all smart contracts. Tony stressed the importance of solidifying partnerships with mining pools and validator nodes to ensure a decentralized and robust exSat network. These steps will help position exSat as a reliable and trustworthy infrastructure in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
October 23, 2024:
Tony concluded his presentation by revealing that October 23 has been chosen as the official date for the exSat mainnet launch. He noted that the date was chosen because of its auspicious nature. He expressed excitement about the potential for exponential growth following the mainnet launch and reiterated his confidence in exSat’s ability to shape the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem.