The secret of the cryptocurrency circle trap: Beware of the "well-intentioned group friend"'s fortune scam

The cryptocurrency circle is deep and scams are frequent. Today, the third most common trap is revealed - the illusion that well-intentioned group friends will help you get rich!

In the cryptocurrency group chat, there are often "well-intentioned people" who take the initiative to chat with you, and get close to you by talking about family matters, just to gain your trust. Remember, there is no gain without gain. They are eyeing either your wallet or your curiosity.

One day, this "friend" will tell you mysteriously that he has discovered a secret to making a lot of money - 100x coins, 1,000x coins! Long chats make you relax your vigilance and step into the trap step by step. You bought these so-called "potential coins" with real money, but you don't know that you have fallen into the trap of the scammers.

In fact, issuing tokens is extremely simple. You can get a full set of services and customize exclusive digital coins for a few hundred yuan. But these "treasures" are just a string of numbers in the hands of scammers. They can manipulate them at will, change them as they want, and add zeros as they want.

Be alert! Don't be carried away by the dream of getting rich, protect your wallet. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?