#BinanceLabs The fifth season incubation plan #必撸Project @dappOS_com


💎💎💎Follow the process first, and teach you how to claim rare NFT airdrops and share $500,000 in cash rewards in 3 minutes! (⚠️Video tutorial attached below!)

✅Task 1: Open DOPPOS, transfer assets if there are assets in the wallet, and deposit from the exchange if there are no assets, complete the recharge and Intent asset casting, and that's it

✅Task 2 process: See the left picture below, a very detailed process


💠Let's talk about why we must do this project? First of all, the financing background of this project is very impressive:

The project received Pre-Seed round of financing from Binance, and its current valuation has reached $300 million. In addition, OK.X, #Ventures, etc. participated in the lead investment, with a strong financing background!

💠Let's introduce the practicality and advantages of this project! Simply put:#dappOSis an intention execution network, an infrastructure that allows users to directly realize their intentions. It is an on-chain asset that can generate interest at any time. Asset innovation in the current solidified market also takes interest into account. It has both high asset yields and assets that can be used at any time. Whether it is to bring the intended assets to the exchange in the form of native assets, or to buy MEME coins, participate in lending, and pledge on the chain, users can use them directly. There is no need for additional steps, waiting time, or enduring high slippage.


🎁🎁🎁In addition, I licked some rare NFTs with #dappos and airdropped them to everyone directly! Partners who have participated in the #dappos airdrop mission, leave your Binance web3 address in the comment area. Don't miss the free airdrops and NFT rewards!

💠 What are the rights and interests of #dappOS's NFT?

The NFT distributed this time can increase your reward weight in the event. In addition, this NFT is also a certificate for the#dappOSairdrop.

#dappos #dappOS_com