Market analysis: BTC market overview

- 1-hour chart: BTC price pulled back to the short-term support level (around 56,000, refer to Tang Ge's analysis), and then rebounded. However, this rebound structure shows that it is difficult to sustain. It is recommended to take profits at the right time and wait patiently for the new low to be confirmed before looking for entry opportunities.

- 4 hours and above: After a local rebound, the short-term downward space is limited, but the upward space is also insufficient due to the suppression of the medium and long-term correction structure. Strategically, it is advisable to wait for a smaller level of correction before looking for an entry point. The continuous upward trend on the 4-hour chart usually requires multiple price fluctuations (i.e. ripple effect) before it can appear.

Key points:

- Short-term support: 55827 to 55363, it is recommended to pay close attention and operate in time.

- Second support: 54855 to 54361, as a reference for further support.

- Medium and short-term suppression: 58719 to 58693, pay attention to the upward resistance in this range.

The current BTC operation suggestion is to be cautious, flexibly grasp the rebound and callback opportunities, and accurately locate the key support and suppression positions.

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