The CPI data will be released at 20:30. According to the inertia of the currency circle, the big news is usually a double kill of long and short positions, and then a new trend will appear. So where are the concentrated liquidation points of long and short positions that need to be paid attention to tonight? Let's take a look at the liquidation map.

Judging from the liquidation map, the points where short positions are concentrated are 57222 and 58178, which are $100 million and $3.5 respectively. Judging from the map, if the bulls can counterattack to around 58500 tonight, it means that they can obtain nearly $400 million in liquidity.

The concentrated liquidation point of long positions is around 55775, and the liquidation amount is about 122 million. If the short positions can hit the 55485 level tonight, they can get about 216 million US dollars of liquidity.

Personally, I still see bulls in the short term. There are too many short sellers above. If BTC can reach 54200-54600 today, it will be one of the entry points that bulls can consider, which is in line with the liquidation map and the 0.618 point of 55200 to 58100 $BTC