Manta Network and Codatta are launching an event together, offering participants the chance to win some sweet $MANTA prizes. I’ve been following this project closely lately, so let’s take a look at how you can participate in the event!

Step 1: Go to Codatta

The first step to join the event is to go to the @codatta_io platform. [You can reach Codatta here:

Step 2: Login and Follow Manta Network

#MANTA Log in to the network, perform a simple check-in with your wallet and follow [@MantaNetwork]( on the X platform. It's that simple!

Step 3: Complete the Data Validation Task

For the Data Validation task, go to the data sheet and select a part to validate. If the data is correct, press the "Validate" button, if not, use the "Reject" option. You can easily earn points with this task, but mistakes can cost you points, so be sure to double-check your work!

Step 4: Perform Data Submission Task

For the Send Data task, open the [Manta Pacific explorer]( Find a smart contract belonging to the Manta ecosystem (e.g. Quickswap) and send its address and related information to Codatta.

Step 5: Fill Out the Submission Form

Once you have the smart contract address, fill out the submission form in Codatta. In the form, specify the smart contract address, asset name (e.g. Quickswap), and category. Also, don’t forget to add a link to your TxHash, description, screenshot, and proof.

That's it!

You are now ready to contribute to the event and earn unlimited Codatta points!

So, What is Codatta?

Codatta is a crowdsourcing platform for data annotation and labeling. It is [#arkham Think of it like [Intel]( or [ScopeProtocol]( It helps you gain insights and personalized recommendations for DeFi, social platforms, trends, and more by labeling and classifying data.


The joint event between Manta Network and Codatta offers a fun and rewarding experience in the crypto world. You can complete data validation and submission tasks on the Codatta platform to gain valuable insights and earn Manta rewards.

This event,#DeFi It's a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more and contribute to the ecosystem. Join now, complete the tasks and get a chance to collect rewards!

Good luck to you!

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