Many brothers have gone bankrupt while working outside. Where should they go to sleep? Brother Gouzhuang lists them all here for you!

Here are 25 suggestions for you. I hope you will keep them in mind.

1. Never sell your ID card. Some vagrants like to sell their ID cards and get 100 or 200 yuan.

In fact, the loss you will suffer from selling your ID card is far greater than the value you will get from selling it.

2 Don’t sleep on park benches or camp out on the streets. Even an iron man can catch a cold sometimes. Homeless people have no money, and a mild cold can easily turn into a severe cold, and eventually develop into pneumonia, which cannot be afforded.

3 Don’t believe in the saying that fellow villagers help fellow villagers. In fact, in a foreign place, it is normal for fellow villagers to cheat fellow villagers. The closer they are to your fellow villagers, the more severely they will cheat you.

4 When you go to a factory to work on daily wages, don't be tempted by the high salary and good conditions. Ask the guys nearby first. There are black dog factories everywhere, so it's better to earn less than to go to a black dog factory.

5 When begging, do not go to shops visited by single women. This can easily scare the women and cause risks and disputes.

6 If you encounter someone who asks you to deliver something to a certain place and also gives you a lot of money, perhaps 100 or 200 yuan, call the police immediately. Don't doubt it, the thing in your hand is meant to harm people.

7 When sleeping in an Internet cafe, the correct posture is to curl up your body, lower your head, put your phone in your pocket, cover the phone with one hand, and cover your crotch with the other hand. This is called using your left hand to protect against gays and your right hand to protect against thieves.

8 If you really can't get a meal, you can go to the cemetery and pick up some food for sacrifices at the crossroads, such as moon cakes (with five nuts), white wine, roast chicken, etc. If you come across a burial and the host puts out a big rooster, don't pick it up directly. You can pick it up from a distance.

9 Don’t eat food from the trash can, even if it looks very fresh. There are many things in the trash can that are harmful to the human body. If they stick to the food and we accidentally eat it, we will get diarrhea and end up having to go to the hospital.

10 Don’t listen to the words of scavengers too much. Many scavengers will trick you into going to places where there is no garbage to pick up in order to pick up more junk.

Moreover, some scavengers may cause harm to people, so please be careful.

11 If you are extremely hungry, you can go to KFC and squat there. When you see leftover food, run over and start eating. Don't feel embarrassed because face is worthless.

12 When you go to bed at night, you need something to keep warm. It is not as warm when you are wandering outside as at home. If you don’t have bedding, you can look in the trash cans in various communities. There will be a lot of discarded clothes and bedding.

13 Don't go into the ATM room and sleep there. After a while, the loudspeaker will start to chase you away. If you don't leave, the police will come to check the situation and it will be easy to send you to a shelter. There are many mentally ill people in the shelter, and you will have no place to seek justice if you are beaten.

14 If you really have no place to live, you can move to those abandoned unfinished buildings. However, you must pay attention to find a sturdy unfinished building. When you move in, it is best to cover the windows with cardboard to prevent wind at night.

If there are cats or dogs in an unfinished building, don't drive them away. Try to keep them and give them some leftovers.

If these cats and dogs are willing to live with you, you will be safe. A human's hearing and sense of smell will never be as good as animals'.

In addition, no matter what noise you hear in an unfinished building at night, don't go out to look around, just go to sleep.

15 Never live under a bridge or near water. Countless bloody facts tell us that it is very dangerous there. Also, don't go to the water's edge or river's edge at night.

16 Never live on the rooftop. Never live on the rooftop. It is scarier there than you think.

17 If you have no food to eat, you can pick up a stainless steel basin, go to a restaurant, and say some auspicious words to the boss. There are many kind-hearted people these days.

18 If we really can't make it any further, we can go to the police station and ask for help. The police will send us to a shelter. Although the food in the shelter is terrible, at least we have two or three meals a day, we can sleep well, and we can get some travel expenses when we leave.

19 If you have no water to drink, it's very simple. Just go to some government office buildings (note, you can only find the front door, and those with courtyards are basically not allowed to enter). These places have toilets for external parties. You can go in and get some water, and no one will say anything to you, saying that you are a child of China and it's okay to use the country's water when you are in trouble.

20 If someone tells you that there is an iron plate, a cardboard shell, or a pile of bottles in the wilderness, don't go there.

As the saying goes, people who make a fortune in silence and take you to remote places in the wilderness usually have bad intentions.

21 Never try to imitate those people who want to live in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests. If you don’t have some survival experience, you won’t even know how you died.

22 Pay more attention to the trash cans. The trash cans are also known as treasure chests. You can pick up all kinds of good things in them, such as half a pack of cigarettes, liquor, handbags, undamaged clothes, various cardboard shells, and even table lamps and knives. There is nothing that is not in the treasure chest, only things you can't think of.

Make good use of the treasure box, you will find a lot of useful things

23 Be sure to boil the water before drinking. You never know when you will have diarrhea. If you have diarrhea and have no money to buy medicine, you will be very miserable.

24 If you are from another place and want to go home, you can choose to go to a shelter. The shelter will buy you a ticket home, but don’t think about making money by selling the ticket. The shelter will stamp the ticket and it is strictly forbidden to return or exchange the ticket. A person’s credit is very important. If you lose your credit this time, you will never be able to get by in the future.

25 Remember, there are not many good people or bad people in this world. The vast majority of people are ordinary people, but you must be on guard to avoid being harmed.

That’s basically all my experience, I hope it’s helpful to everyone.

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