ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 The Ethereum Foundation dumped ETH again, founder Vitalik Buterin picked up girls every day, does ETH still have a chance? In this round of bull market, BTC has broken through the historical highest price, but ETH, the world's second largest cryptocurrency, has not yet touched the ceiling of $4,800 in the previous bull market. In March this year, it was at its peak at $4,000, and now it has fallen to around $2,300, which is almost 40% lower than the high point in March. Speaking of ETH, it is the big brother of smart contracts, and the market expectations are full.

But this drop, the gap with BTC, made many holders feel uncomfortable and said "unacceptable". What's more, the Ethereum Foundation has sold a lot of ETH this year, and on August 24 alone, it dumped 35,000 coins. This operation directly caused the price of ETH to slide down again. Although the foundation sells coins for ecological development, holders don't think so. They think that this is because the project party is not optimistic about its own products, and their confidence has been hit hard. Some people are still worried that if the foundation continues to sell like this, will it be able to hold on to its money? Fortunately, Justin Drake came out and said that at the current price, the foundation still has enough ETH in its wallet to spend for 10 years. Originally, everyone hoped that the spot Ethereum ETF could boost ETH like Bitcoin, but the result was a continuous net outflow, and the price did not rise, but continued to fall. This cannot be blamed entirely on ETH. The entire crypto market is sluggish, and it is difficult for it to remain immune. Let's take a look at ETH's performance this time. Why is it so bad? It is mainly because it lacks some novelty. Compared with the time when it led the ICO and DeFi trends, it now seems a little confused. Ethereum's high transaction fees and slow speed have also given other public chains an opportunity to take advantage of it. Solana and other up-and-coming chains have taken away a lot of traffic. In addition, there are jokes about Vitalik selling coins to pick up girls on the market. Although it is a joke, it also reflects everyone's helplessness and ridicule about the current situation of ETH. Now the market is full of bad news about ETH. In addition to its own problems, the overall market environment is not good. But then again, the Ethereum ecosystem still has potential, such as the Pectra upgrade, which may bring new hope #美国大选如何影响加密产业?