Mr. Lai is from Lucheng, Wenzhou. He started investing in virtual currency a few years ago and has accumulated a lot of virtual currency. In July this year, Wang, a virtual currency intermediary from Taizhou, contacted Mr. Lai and said he wanted to buy the virtual currency in his hands. Wang offered a very generous price and said that as long as there was enough virtual currency, he could buy a lot.

Mr. Lai and Wang had cooperated with each other many times before, and the transaction amount was over one million yuan. In view of the smooth cooperation in the past few times, Mr. Lai contacted two friends, and the three of them pooled virtual currency worth 5 million yuan.

After negotiation, the two parties conducted the transaction at a parking lot in Yangfushan Park in the city. When arriving at the transaction location, Mr. Lai did not see the buyer, only Wang and his two friends. Wang brought cash, and out of trust, Mr. Lai and his friends did not have any doubts and conducted transactions with Wang separately.

After counting the cash on site, Mr. Lai and his friends transferred the virtual currency to the account provided by Wang. After the transaction was completed, both parties left the scene. Just as Mr. Lai was about to deposit the money in the bank, he received a call from two other friends, informing him that the money they had just received was all counterfeit.

Mr. Lai took out the banknotes tied into bundles with paper strips and after careful inspection, he found that only the first and last few banknotes in each bundle were real. The ones in the middle were all crudely made counterfeit banknotes, which felt completely different from the real ones and even had words such as "Magic Bank of China" printed on them.

Mr. Lai and his friend immediately reported the 5 million yuan in counterfeit money to the Liming Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Lucheng District, Wenzhou City. After receiving the call, the police found that only more than 100,000 yuan of the "5 million yuan" was real money, and the rest was counterfeit money. The police inferred that this criminal gang took advantage of Mr. Lai and others' weak vigilance and used counterfeit money to defraud a huge amount of virtual currency.

Considering the special nature of the defrauded property, in order to prevent the suspects from transferring or directly selling the virtual currency, the Lucheng police immediately set up a strike team according to the unified deployment of the summer operation to carry out preliminary investigation and judgment. After a night of hard work, the police quickly identified the suspects and found that the gang drove away from Wenzhou to Wenling after committing the crime. In the early morning of the next day, the police set out to Wenling to carry out the arrest mission.

After the police arrested the three suspects, they searched the suspect's vehicle and found that the trunk was full of cash. After a preliminary count, the total amount of cash was more than 4 million yuan. After interrogation, the police found that the gang members were very cunning. Even when faced with a large amount of cash in the car, they still claimed that they were unaware and even denied knowing that there was a large amount of cash in the car.

The police realized that they had to find key evidence to investigate the case. After investigation, the police found that a man named Hu had close contact with them. The police quickly investigated Hu and learned that Hu was a virtual currency player. The more than 4 million yuan in cash seized by the police at the scene was the payment that Hu paid to Wang and his gang for virtual currency.

The truth of the case was revealed. The gang was a virtual currency trading intermediary. They could only earn 2,000 yuan in commission for every 1 million yuan worth of virtual currency they traded. However, they usually saw a large amount of cash transactions. Faced with the huge temptation, they decided to take the risk. Before this transaction, the suspect Wang bought nearly 6 million yuan of counterfeit currency online for 80,000 yuan.

Then he contacted Mr. Hu, a virtual currency buyer, and said that he had a batch of low-priced virtual currency to sell, and asked Mr. Hu to prepare cash. Then Wang contacted Mr. Lai and told him that he could buy a large amount of virtual currency at a favorable price. It was based on the trust established by previous transactions that gave Wang and others an opportunity to take advantage of it. Not only did they successfully use counterfeit currency to defraud Mr. Lai and his friends of virtual currency, but they also quickly sold the virtual currency to Hu, making a profit of more than 4 million yuan. Fortunately, the Lucheng police quickly solved the case and recovered the virtual currency and stolen money.

The People's Bank of China determined that the currency sample paper with the words "Magic Bank of China" printed on it used by the suspects was counterfeit. Currently, the three suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law for suspected fraud and the crime of using counterfeit currency.

It is reported that since the national public security organs launched the summer crackdown and rectification campaign, the Lucheng police in Wenzhou have continued to increase their crackdown on key illegal and criminal activities and strive to create a good social security environment. Since the summer campaign, the Lucheng police have launched a heavy blow against various illegal and criminal activities, cracking down on more than 650 suspects and recovering more than 50 million yuan in economic losses.

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