A message from Shenyu spread throughout the domestic cryptocurrency circle, extinguishing the last bit of hope for everyone. It is likely that many Holders have been called off the train.

Here, I would like to share a point of view for your reference:

In the field of financial investment, no one can make 100% market predictions, including some highly respected investors. 💼 Even investment giants like Buffett will face challenges and losses brought by market fluctuations.

Such market participants have deeper insights and broader visions behind them. They can observe subtle changes that ordinary people like us have never noticed. 🔍

There is also a familiar concept - "Iceberg Theory", which aptly reveals the essence of this problem. Only a small part of the iceberg is visible, while most of the important information is hidden under the water. 🧊

Therefore, instead of blindly following the trend, it is better to spend more time studying, obtaining information, and exercising your judgment ability to keep yourself calm and rational in a complex market environment. 💡