The price of Bread is currently at 57,000, and the highest is 58,100. This round of pull-ups broke through the 56,000 mentioned yesterday. In this way, the overall falling structure has ended and has begun to enter an upward structure.

From the daily line, Bread shows continuous positive, the Bollinger Bands continue to run in an open state, the MACD moving average moves upward smoothly, the short volume continues to shrink gradually, and the KDJ moves upward. At the 4-hour line level, the MACD moving average and the KDJ line both maintain an upward trend, and the long volume continues to increase. Auntie synchronizes with Bread.

From the overall structure, since the wide adjustment from the 49,000 line position, it has experienced three rising waves. After the three rising waves, it began to enter the three falling waves from about 65,000. With the breakthrough of the 56,000 line position, the three falling waves have been completed, and the current three rising waves trend has begun. At present, the position above 61,000 can be seen.

Morning suggestions:

Buy around 56000 for big cake, expect 57000-58000

Buy around 2300 for auntie, expect 2370-2420

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