$DOGS everyone loves action, okay we bought and sold it, we earned it for free... Now let it fall to the price it wants, there is no point in experiencing tension again thinking it will come out and run away.

Since we all realized that Durov created and listed Dogs to create public opinion behind him before his visit to France, there is no need for such projects to have a purpose other than their function. Spend your money on functional projects... We are all with you Durov, 🤣🤣🤣 This much support is enough for $50... 🤣🤣🤣

$BTC , take some of your capital and support it. Instead of making risky moves in memes, allocate 20% of your capital for BTC... How can this market stay where it is if no one buys BTC..?

$FIO we need another move, you will see that it does not fall from the peak so quickly this time. As I said, this coin is a garbage that gives you a good opportunity to buy and sell when you follow it. I mentioned that I don't think it has a future, but when I look at it from a price perspective, I prefer to buy and sell it rather than spend time on MEMs.



