Developer activity is one of the indicators for evaluating the development of blockchain projects, and the number of code submissions on GitHub reflects the development momentum of blockchain projects. The foreign media "Blockchain Reporter" tracked several blockchain projects with the highest code update frequency on GitHub, indicating that the development of blockchain technology is gradually advancing, among which Internet Computer ($ICP) ranks first in the number of code submissions.

What are the most submitted blockchain projects on GitHub?

GitHub's most frequently updated $ICP, its developers have submitted code 9,166 times in the past year, indicating that developers are confident in the decentralized computing platform; followed by Mina Protocol 4,407 times and Sushiswap 4,210 times , showing that these two project developers are committed to optimizing their infrastructure and promoting the further development of DeFi.

Bitcoin, the ancestor of the blockchain, has 2,977 code submission updates. This is particularly important for Bitcoin because it is the current dominant narrative in the market and also needs to continuously improve the security or scalability of the network; decentralized oracles Chainlink has been submitted 2,718 times, highlighting the importance developers attach to the reliability of smart contracts.

Other blockchain projects that are updated more frequently include the following:

  • Cosmos - 2,350

  • PancakeSwap – 2,262

  • Storj – 1,779

  • eCash – 1,654

It shows that some developers have prospects for cross-chain interoperability, DeFi, decentralized cloud storage and digital payments.

Another activity indicator—the number of developers

It is worth noting that if the number of developers in a single week is used as an indicator, the above ranking will change. According to Artemis Terminal, the top ten projects by the number of developers are Ethereum, Base, Cosmos (Hubs + Zones), Polygon, and Polkadot. (relay chain + parachain), Arbitrum, Solana and Scroll.

Dev Activity - Weekly DevelopersSource: Artemis Terminal Weekly developer number ranking

Activity indicators should be evaluated comprehensively

The number of GitHub submissions and the number of developers are important indicators for evaluating the development of blockchain projects. Judging from the number of code submissions, projects such as Internet Computer ($ICP), Mina Protocol and Sushiswap have extremely strong development momentum; however, from the perspective of the number of developers, projects such as Ethereum, Base and Polygon have huge development momentum. The community has more opportunities to continue to innovate in the long-term technological development. In addition, Cosmos performs well in both indicators, which may mean that the Cosmos SDK has received widespread developer support.

In summary, when assessing the development potential of a blockchain project, observers should consider both the number of code commits and the number of developers. The former is used to compare the current development momentum of each project, while the latter can measure long-term development stability. Combining these two indicators will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the competitive advantages of each blockchain project in the market.