Author: Jessy, Golden Finance

At 4 a.m. on September 6, Casey, the founder of the Ordinals protocol, took the lead in launching a major fight in the BTC ecosystem.

Casey posted on X that Rocktoshi, who claimed to be the co-founder of Ordinals, was not actually a co-founder, and revealed more details about the two from the founding of the company to their parting ways.

Once one voice was raised, many voices followed. Then a group of bigwigs in the BTC ecosystem, such as Erin, Leo, Charlie, Ninja, etc., began to publicly accuse Rocktoshi.

Everyone listed Rocktoshi’s crimes, including that Rocktoshi had been raising money everywhere under the name of Ordinals co-founder (but he was not), that the NodeMonkey project was led by Rocktoshi and made him millions of dollars in quick profits, and that his style of doing things was criticized by everyone, such as the unpleasantness of working with him, his fraud, deception, intimidation, etc.

The target was pointed at Rocktoshi, and the Node Monkey project he led also fell. In the face of these accusations, Rocktoshi responded briefly by saying "I am not a liar."

One voice rises, all voices echo

First, Casey, the founder of the Ordinals protocol, published a blog post early this morning and synced it to Twitter, titled "How Ordinals came about."

This is a response to Rocktoshi claiming to be the co-founder of Ordinals on X two days ago. In a tweet two days ago, Rocktoshi also said that before Casey joined, I was already studying how to implement NFT on Bitcoin.

In Casey’s article “How Ordinals Came into Being”, Casey directly denied that Rocktoshi was a co-founder and stated that Rocktoshi had made no contribution to the conception of Ordinals, including code design.

Casey also said that Casey and Rocktoshi were once personal friends, and that Rocktoshi was one of the four co-founders of Ordinals Corporation, but the company was dissolved three months later and has nothing to do with Ordinary.

Moreover, soon after Ordcorp was established, Casey felt that Rocktoshi was untrustworthy. "I told him that I didn't want to work with him anymore, but he was still unreasonable and finally asked for $5 million in exchange for his equity in the company."

After finally resolving the dissolution of the company, Rocktoshi continued to send Casey threatening, insulting, and emotional emails for several months.

Casey also said that he learned that many people in the Bitcoin ecosystem had experienced similar long-term threats, deceptions, manipulations, and frauds by Rocktoshi. "Rocktoshi used his close relationship with me to integrate himself into the ecosystem, and I regret not speaking out earlier like others did."

At present, in addition to Casey, there are some other people who have condemned as follows:

@NFTJoona: Said on X that he had reached a simple agreement transaction with Rocktoshi, and one day Rocktoshi blackmailed him to cancel the agreement transaction and threatened to sue him.

@cbspears: He said on X in January this year that Rocktoshi started harassing him and threatening to sue him about half a year ago, and that his so-called "revelations" were groundless.

He also said, "I am worried that he will use the millions of dollars in profits from the Nodemonkes project mint and his growing influence in the Ordinals ecosystem to continue to manipulate and attack others." This passage also clearly indicates that Rocktoshi has earned millions of dollars in profits from the node candidate project.

@TO: stated on X that over the past month he has experienced deceptive and manipulative behavior from Rocktoshi, as well as his disregard for the harm he causes to others. Several members of his community, including founders in his portfolio, have contacted him to relay their experiences of receiving direct messages from Rocktoshi intended to tarnish my reputation and interfere with his business relationships.

@LeonidasNFT: Rocktoshi has launched numerous projects under various pseudonyms over the past 18 months.

However, no evidence was disclosed for these accusations, not even chat records. Rocktoshi simply responded to the above accusations, "I am not a liar, everything I said is true, Casey should stop personal attacks and slander."

The market is not good, and there are always more quarrels

Perhaps, the above accusations have always existed. When the market is good, everyone is busy making money, dealing with various affairs, and developing projects. They don't care about these quarrels that do not involve core interests.

This time, Rocktoshi directly claimed that he was the co-founder of Ordinals, which was a move on Casey’s cake. “There can only be one god”, the title of founder is indeed valuable and easy to bluff. And the current position of Ordinals in the Bitcoin ecosystem also determines that this title has an important position in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

As for whether Rocktoshi made any contribution to Ordinals, only a few core people know, perhaps only Rocktoshi and Casey know.