#TON生态 #Telegram首席执行官 $TON

Last month, a user was investigated by French police for four days after arriving in Paris for illegal use of Telegram by others. He was surprised when police said that the user might be held responsible because they could not contact Telegram.

The user pointed out that Telegram has an official representative in the European Union and that French authorities could have sought assistance in many ways instead of directly blaming individuals. He also mentioned that he had helped the French consulate set up a dedicated line with Telegram to deal with terrorist threats.

The user believes that it is unreasonable to use outdated laws to hold platform leaders responsible for the actions of third parties, which will hinder technological innovation. He emphasized that the balance between privacy and security needs to be reconciled with local and EU laws, while preventing abuse in countries with weak rule of law.

Although Telegram adheres to the principle of privacy protection, the user also said that the platform is open to dialogue with regulators to find the right balance. If this cannot be achieved, Telegram is ready to withdraw from the country's market, just as it has done in Russia and Iran.

He admitted that Telegram is not perfect, especially as the number of users has rapidly grown to 950 million, it is easier for criminals to abuse the platform. Telegram is strengthening its response measures and hopes that this incident will drive the entire social networking industry to become safer and more robust.

Inspired by this news, TON reached a high of $4.922 shortly after Durov spoke, up 4.4% in the past 24 hours. The current price is $4.84