How to use 10,000 to make 1 million in one year by speculating in cryptocurrencies?

Several key figures:

With a capital of 10,000, it takes 1 year to make 1 million, 100 times more, 83,333 yuan per month, 2,740 yuan per day on average, and 114 yuan per hour on average.

To achieve such a return, is there such a probability in the cryptocurrency circle? The answer is yes, but the probability is very low, one in ten million or one in a million.

Because among thousands of currencies, the probability of buying the target that can multiply so many times may be similar to the probability of winning a lottery ticket. Spending 2 yuan to win a 5 million lottery ticket only costs 2 yuan.

So, a lot of luck is needed here. There may be 7 opportunities in a person's life. One of them is when you are very young. At that time, you are still ignorant and can't recognize that this is an opportunity, so you won't grab it. The other time is when you are old and see the opportunity, but at this time you are already powerless.

The remaining 5 opportunities, even if you only grab one, are enough to change a person's fate.

There are indeed such opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle that can change a person's fate, but she only belongs to a minority of a minority.

Personally, I think the premise is to have this fate, then have this luck, and finally add the right path.

Here I share three possible ways to achieve it:

First, through high-leverage contracts, understand the trend, seize the market, go short or go long with the trend, take action when it is time to take action, stop when it is time to stop, do things neatly, never drag your feet, stop when you see good, and never be vague when you should leave the market. Don't expect to sell at the top of the mountain, and don't expect to buy at the foot of the mountain.

Second, don't expect to buy a hundred-fold coin in the secondary market, and use hundreds of accounts to get a big hair.

Third, through the mint method, just like last year's ordi and stas, they have had hundreds of times of increase.

Opportunities are often there, but if you don't pay attention to this market from time to time, it is difficult to catch them.

Opportunities are often there, but luck is not often there.

Luck is not often there. Occasionally, you catch it, but it is not often that you fight to the end.

What do you think?

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