According to TechFlow, on September 5, the ApeCoin Foundation released its transparency report for the first quarter of 2024. As of March 31, 2024, the main status of the ApeCoin treasury is as follows:

  1. Total holdings: approximately 326 million APE

  2. Accounts Payable 255060 APE

  3. 59 million APE reserved for grants

  4. No APE inflows this quarter

  5. 1 million APEs were used for operating expenses, of which 148,627 were used to support community activities

  6. The total amount of foundation grants reached 20.6 million APE

The report also shows that 20 previously approved AIPs (ApeCoin Improvement Proposals) and 1 AIP approved by the Special Council are executing payments as planned. In addition, the community approved 9 new AIPs this quarter and started related payments.