
Why do most of the big guys who make a fortune mainly do long-term investment, and I have hardly heard of short-term investment?

Because anyone who is good at short-term investment can be your uncle.

It can be said that anyone can do long-term investment. You can hold on to it after buying it, and you don’t need any skills. Maybe you will encounter a bull market and have a chance to get out of it.

What is short-term investment? You must make a profit within a few days after buying it. If you don’t make a profit, it is a failed short-term operation.

Short-term investment means buying and selling quickly. The intraday high point can at least make you 3% more profit. This first requires watching the market. Then short-term investment means frequent operations, and the core is the winning rate. The winning rate must be at least 90%, and short-term investment is all about skyrocketing and plummeting.

The most basic first step is to understand what kind of investment will not plummet the next day.

People who can do short-term investment can make at least 10 times a year. Of course, the speed may be much slower after the amount of funds reaches 8 digits.

Short-term investment is the only way to make small funds bigger, there is no other way.

If you enter the market with 100,000 yuan, it will only be 1 million yuan after ten times in one year, which is the entry level.

In short, short-term trading requires a high level of analysis and understanding of the market or K-line. For short-term traders with a winning rate below 90%, there is only one way to lose everything, not even 1% less.

Of course, this is about spot trading.

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