Today is the first day I changed my name to CryptoNIAO and the first anniversary of joining Twitter

1️⃣🌱Hello, my name is Psy, this is my past🌱

My Twitter web3 journey is simple, one year

Started from tipcoin, started with birdcoin

In September of 2023, in the golden autumn, Psy opened Twitter for the first time under the guidance of a friend, just because he heard that there was an event to get tipcoins. At that time, it was my first time to come into contact with Twitter.

Then when I was earning points, I met my first big boss, Jiaojiao. Of course, at that time I knew her but she didn’t know me.

My journey on Twitter started like this

2️⃣🌱The connection started with bird coins and started with bird people🌱

Psy remembers that when Tipcoin first airdropped points, Psy was so excited. For the first time in his life, he earned his first pot of gold on Twitter - 70u. It was also at that time that after Tip launched its own app, the price of the coin fell again and again, and there was no follow-up.

In the process of earning points, Psy still remembers that he had to go to each kol’s comment section and brush the tag #tipcoin. Then he would go find kols with many fans to earn points and get airdrops.

At that time, Bird Uncle knew B, the founder of $NIAO coin

Brother, I learned about the history of Bird Coin. Then Uncle Bird thought that Bird Coin seemed to be very powerful and could represent China's traditional culture. If it was released, more people would know that Chinese culture is broad and profound. The four letters "NIAO" are derived from the transliteration of the Chinese word "bird". They are concise and full of charm. It not only carries the profound oriental cultural heritage, but also takes an international form, allowing global users to easily accept it, realizing the seamless integration and wide dissemination of culture.

So from then on, Psy decided to become a birdman, and take it as his responsibility to spread Chinese culture. He participated in lotteries and drew bird coins, so that more people could know about bird elements and see the profoundness of Chinese culture.

3️⃣🌱Meet a noble person and get acquainted with chromosomes🌱

Do you remember the inscription? Do you remember the inscription trend last year? Psy remembers it. Psy met Ma Ge on Twitter around December last year. In Ma Ge’s group, by chance, he met Xiao Daoshi and Psy’s master 10.

At that time, Psy pressed Master's head to play the inscription. Then 10 taught me how to play the inscription with scripts, how to deploy the inscription, and how to use the panel to view data. It happened that at that time, Xiaodaoshi Zhe Diaomao and 10 created the Chromosome community, and Psy joined in. Later, he met Entropy, Pump Pump, and Happy Brother. Together, we decided to make Chromosome bigger and stronger.

At the beginning of the year, when my master was teaching me how to play with web3, I felt that there seemed to be more to this industry than just virtual currency. Then I started to study on my own, to gain some knowledge, and slowly, I have come to where I am today.

4️⃣🌱Study hard and study carefully🌱

The three letters "Kol" have great significance. To be honest, Psy didn't plan to be a kol at first. He just wanted to learn the technology behind it. After all, Psy's job is just to tighten screws. But after continuous learning, Psy felt that to become a kol, there is more to it than just a kol.

Psy still remembers the story of Xiao Mei written by the master, and the scene of Xiao Mei reaching the peak of her life because of the Cancun upgrade is still vivid in his mind. It seems that there are some extraordinary things hidden behind the seemingly simple chain.

At that time, Psy decided to write down what he had learned, share it with others, and learn and communicate with the masters. And he has been doing it until now.

It can be said that without 10, Little Taoist, Pump Pump, Entropy Entropy, and Happy, there would be no Psy today. The Chromosome community is a large whole that has been working hard and fearless of difficulties. Psy also hopes to continue to make the Chromosome community bigger and stronger in the future.

5️⃣🌱Transformation and upgrading, integrating with the world🌱

Let’s talk about the “pseudo” word CryptoNIAO

Psy feels that in the digital world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, which is full of infinite possibilities, the subtleties of Twitter nicknames often contain profound meanings and cultural charm.

Although Bird Uncle used to call himself "0x Bird Uncle", he also attracted many fans in the community with his integration of blockchain culture and technological innovation ()

However, with the passage of time and the broadening of personal horizons, this name has gradually become unable to fully carry its increasingly rich connotations and lofty ambitions.

Thus, the transformation from "0x Bird Uncle" to "CryptoNIAO" quietly began. Behind it, there are profound thoughts on Chinese culture, personal development and trend strategies.

6️⃣🌱Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, spread your wings and fly🌱

"CryptoNIAO", this new name is not only a reshaping of Psy's personal brand, but also an expectation and commitment to the infinite possibilities of the future. In this name, "Crypto" represents the essence of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which is the field that Psy has been deeply involved in, and also a stage to show China's wisdom and innovation to the world. "NIAO" is a tribute to and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture. It symbolizes freedom, agility and wisdom, implying that Psy will fly freely in the vast sky of the digital world like a bird, explore the unknown, and deliver value.

Language is the carrier of culture, and communication is the bridge of the soul

Psy will devote himself to the broader Web3 world with a new attitude. He is no longer satisfied with just personal learning and growth, but is looking to the more distant future.

How to make blockchain technology better serve the society, how to make Chinese culture shine with new vitality in the wave of globalization, and how to use our own power to connect every heart that is curious and passionate about the crypto world.

7️⃣🌱Spread value and build dreams together🌱

Psy knows very well that as a KOL, he is not only a disseminator of information, but also a creator of value.

Let more foreigners participate and exchange and learn together

As the Chinese-speaking crypto market becomes increasingly saturated, English Twitter users have become the user base favored by future project owners. How to spread the word and let more foreigners know about Chinese projects and culture will become a new trend for future development.

Psy decided to use easy-to-understand language on Twitter to make complex blockchain knowledge accessible.

Discussing the future of blockchain with global crypto enthusiasts has promoted cross-border exchanges of knowledge and culture.

At the same time, Psy has not forgotten his original intention and will continue to promote the development of bird culture. Using his influence on Twitter, he will hold a series of creative competitions with the theme of "bird elements", encouraging everyone to show the charm of Chinese culture in the form of art, so that more people can feel the profoundness and unique charm of Chinese culture through the bridge of bird coins.

8️⃣🌱Work together to create brilliance🌱

In the days to come, CryptoNIAO will continue to write a glorious chapter in the blockchain era with an open mind and innovative thinking, together with partners around the world, and let Chinese culture shine more brightly in the digital world.

Thank you friends for your company along the way, and I hope we will continue to work hard in the next year.