Enter the address to check the ranking @Scroll

Just enter the address. If you think it's done well, you can give it to him, just don't connect the wallet.

I measured my own wallet and the corresponding score and the number of Badges are accurate.

Let’s first believe that this website is accurate. In this case, we can draw several conclusions.

❶ There are 2.5 million addresses with points

❷ Canvas has 590,000 addresses

❸ Those in the top 100 don’t want to roll Badge at all

❹ Volume Badge requires Canvas to be enabled, so it should be calculated with Canvas enabled (Figure 2)

❺ About 30 Badges can enter the top 1% (referring to people who roll Badges)

❻ There is a big gap between points and Badge. Maybe it is more valuable to get a Badge?

❼ If anyone is offended by my PUA, I’m sorry. I’ve also gotten a lot of heat from myself. I wish you good luck.

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