🚨 Binance CEO speaks out, strongly condemning the inhumane treatment of Gambaryan!

🌐 The dispute between Binance and Nigeria has intensified recently, especially the health of Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan, which is worrying. Since contracting malaria in May, his condition has deteriorated rapidly, but the authorities are said to have refused to give him the necessary medical treatment.

📹 Recently, a video was exposed showing Gambaryan's weak state and the harsh treatment he received. In the video, he walked to the court with crutches, but was treated roughly by the guards. Binance CEO Richard Teng strongly condemned this and called on the Nigerian authorities to immediately release Gambaryan and let him go home for proper treatment.

🌐 The cryptocurrency community was also outraged by the incident, believing it to be extremely unfair. Gambaryan was not a decision-maker, but was invited to a government meeting, but was detained and experienced painful and inhumane treatment.

🤔Other questioning voices said that Gambaryan was treated as a criminal in order to crack down on cryptocurrency exchanges, suggesting that "the Nigerian government is just using him as a bargaining chip." Binance CEO has previously expressed this concern, believing that this may set a dangerous new precedent for all companies around the world.

🏥 According to reports, Gambaryan's health has always been a major concern for his family and the community. Despite the court order for him to receive treatment, he has not received the necessary medical assistance, causing his condition to deteriorate.

📅 Gambaryan's money laundering trial resumed on September 2, and his legal team filed a bail application on the grounds that his condition requires surgery. However, prosecutors from the Nigerian Economic and Financial Commission claimed that his health condition was "controllable." But in the end, the court hearing for the bail application is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, and we will continue to follow up on the report later.

💬What do you think of this series of "inhumane" events? Do you think Gambaryan should be released on bail and receive good medical assistance? Leave your opinion in the comment section!

#币安 #Gambaryan #加密货币社区 #不人道对待