It can be a very simple market

But you have to talk a lot of nonsense, and explain your views by relying on ifs. If you talk a lot of nonsense.

Except that there are many words, it makes sense, but it is useless. Anyone who has been in contact with trading for a few months

can know one thing, and do different transactions at different positions.

There is no if in trading

Just like our No. 2, we made a short-term rebound at 5.7 and the target was around 5.96

Yesterday, we notified to leave the tail position, and at the same time, we kept the position of 5.968 and entered the short position.

1. Doing a rebound is the key support. Don’t go long if it doesn’t fall below? What ifs, what ifs

2. Doing a callback, the target is reached, and there is no emotional side. What is there to be afraid of?

If you don’t do the position, too many assumptions mean too many subjective ideas, and the transaction is not decisive. If you wait and see too much, the knife will rust.