Following the 2023 WebX conference, IOST once again participated in the Tokyo WebX2024 conference held from August 27 to 29 as a gold sponsor. As one of the largest Web3 conferences in Asia, WebX brings together top talents from all walks of life in the crypto and Web3 industries. This year, IOST participated in the WebX2024 conference with several key ecosystem partners, including Eversystem, a core member of the IOST developer community, STIR, a staking service provider, and Meta Akita, which established a partnership at the end of 2023.

OKJ brand rebranding campaign

Currently, Japan’s licensed exchange OKCoinJapan has officially changed its name to OKJ. One day before the WebX24 conference, IOST participated in the OKJ brand rebranding event as a sponsor. During the event, IOST Co-CEO Blake showed a series of IOST’s star ecological projects to many participants.

IOST — Gold Sponsor Booth

Meta Akita, a startup officially certified by the Akita Inu Preservation Society, made its debut at the IOST booth, along with its official mascot — “Masaru.” During the event, the IOST booth was very popular, with many professionals from various fields in the Japanese financial and Web3 industries visiting.

In addition, we have prepared giveaways for WebX 2024 visitors, including drip coffee with the IOST logo and a portable fan.

During WebX 2024, the IOST team had in-depth exchanges with many potential ecosystem partners and explored the possibility of win-win cooperation. As the second half of 2024 approaches, the IOST team will fully promote ecosystem expansion based on the fruitful results of WebX 2024 and contribute to building a more dynamic Web3 world.

Introduction to IOST

IOST — — Web3.0 blockchain operating system.

Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Singapore, IOST is an enterprise-level blockchain application platform developed for online service providers, supported by global first-tier dollar investment institutions such as Sequoia, Matrix Partners, and ZhenFund.

IOST2.0 has extremely high throughput and availability, and is a true Web3.0 blockchain operating system.

IOST2.0 — The Merge IOST adopts the Beacon Chain + Smart Chain architecture solution to be compatible with EVM, and the two will use the standard Engine API for communication.

IOST2.0 is continuously evolving and upgrading multiple sub-chains. Among these sub-chains, there are both general EVM smart contract chains and special-purpose sub-chains, such as NFT chains, game chains, AI Native chains, etc.


The goals of horizontal expansion and high throughput are achieved through the design of the POB consensus mechanism and the second-layer expansion solution. By developing an effective way for the community's own network, a platform for third-party developers, creators and enterprises to realize value is provided.

in principle

Improve transaction performance without sacrificing the key attributes of decentralization, namely: protecting privacy, open participation, and protecting the community from malicious attacks. IOST is more decentralized than EOS based on the DPOS mechanism and more scalable than the ETH smart contract platform.

IOST, witness the future of blockchain technology.

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IOST Tokyo WebX 2024 Web3 Community Offline Event Review was originally published in IOST_CN on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.