When a country's central bank decides to lower interest rates, it means that the cost of borrowing money becomes cheaper. Why is this important?

* Economic Stimulus: The primary purpose of lowering interest rates is to stimulate economic activity. With lower borrowing costs, companies are more likely to invest and consumers have an easier time getting credit to buy a home or big-ticket items.

* Increase Consumption: When interest rates fall, people's purchasing power generally increases. This is because loan installments become lighter, so people have more money to spend.

* Reduce Unemployment: With increased investment and consumption, companies tend to hire more workers, thereby reducing the unemployment rate.

However, there are also potential negative impacts:

* Inflation: If interest rate cuts are too aggressive and not balanced with good inflation control, it can trigger a general increase in prices.

* Asset Bubbles: Prolonged interest rate declines could trigger the formation of asset bubbles, especially in the property sector. If these bubbles burst, they could trigger a financial crisis.

In essence, interest rate cuts are a powerful monetary policy tool. However, their use must be careful and balanced with other economic policies to achieve sustainable economic stability.

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