1. When I see a danger sign, I don't argue with it, I get out of the way! A few days later, if everything looks good, I come back. This way, I can save a lot of trouble and money.

2. If you want to make money in trading, you have to show profits at the beginning. Things that show floating losses after buying or selling indicate that you are making mistakes. Generally, if there is no improvement within three days, throw it away immediately.

3. Never spread the losses evenly. Remember this principle firmly.

4. After the price enters an obvious trend, it will automatically run along a specific route throughout its entire trend.

5. Excellent traders are always waiting, always patient, waiting for the market to confirm their judgment. Remember, don't fully trust your judgment until the market itself confirms your view.

6. Remember this: while you are doing nothing, the losers who feel they have to trade every day are laying the foundation for you, and you will find profitable opportunities from their mistakes.

7. As long as you recognize where the trend is and steer your trading boat along the trend, you can benefit from it. Don't argue with the market, and most importantly, don't compete with the market.

8. No matter when, I have the patience to wait for the market to reach the position I call the "key point". Only at this time, I start to enter the market. In my operation, as long as I do this, I can always make money. Because I start trading at the psychological moment when a trend just begins, I don't have to worry about losing money. The reason is very simple. I just enter the market decisively and start following up when my personal principles tell me to take action immediately. Therefore, what I have to do is to sit still and watch the market develop according to its market conditions. I know that if I do this, the performance of the market itself will give me a signal to close the position at a profit at the right time.

9. My experience is that if I don’t enter a trade near the beginning of a trend, I will never make much profit from this trend.

10. "Rome was not built in a day." A truly significant trend will not end in a day or a week. It takes time to complete its logical process.

11. When using key points to predict market movements, remember that if the price does not move as it should after exceeding or falling below a key point, this is a dangerous signal that must be closely monitored.

12. I believe that many traders have had similar experiences. From the perspective of the market itself, everything seems to be full of hope. However, at this moment, the subtle inner world has flashed dangerous signals. Only through long-term research on the market and long-term struggle in the market can this special sensitivity be slowly cultivated.

13. Before entering a transaction, the most important thing is whether the line of least resistance is consistent with your direction.

14. When a speculator can identify the key point of the price and can explain its performance at that point, he has a winning hand from the beginning.

15. It is enough to predict the market psychologically, but do not act rashly. You must wait until you get a signal from the market that confirms that your judgment is correct. At that time, and only then, can you use your money to trade.

16. In long-term trading, besides knowledge, patience is more important than any other factor. In fact, patience and knowledge complement each other. Those who want to succeed in trading should learn a simple truth: before you buy or sell, you must study carefully to confirm whether it is the best time for you to enter the market. Only in this way can you ensure that your position is the right position.