Remember this key point: When whales push a token or coin up 100% or 1000%,

they will usually pull it down just as fast. To avoid falling victim to these drastic moves, never get caught up in their games.

Be patient when trading and don’t make daily trades. Instead, focus on making only 1 or 4 well-planned trades per month.

The strategy I suggest won’t just work for today; it will protect you years from now. Starting today can save you from significant future losses.

The market isn’t as simple as it seems – it’s not a place you can enter, make a quick buck, and then leave.

The whales of this market are more knowledgeable and strategic than you think.

If you don’t understand this concept, you might turn 100 into 1,0000 in one month, only to see 50,000 drop to zero the next.

For more insights like this, feel free to comment and I’ll share more valuable information.

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