Recently, the focus of the crypto world has been completely ignited by the news that Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France. This incident quickly attracted widespread attention and discussion around the world.

Telegram: Freedom and privacy behind the small plane

Telegram's "little airplane" icon is more than just a simple logo. It carries Pavel Durov's deep commitment to freedom and privacy. Many years ago, facing the temptation of capital, Durov chose to fold US dollars into a small airplane and fly it out of the window to symbolize his persistence in freedom and extreme protection of privacy. Today, Telegram has become an indispensable social tool in the encryption field, where users can communicate freely without worrying about information leakage.

Pavel Durov's Perseverance and Free Spirit

Pavel Durov once said: "We like blockchain because it is a technology of freedom! We care about freedom, just like our paper airplanes symbolize freedom." However, this handsome but low-key founder was detained by French anti-fraud officials when he flew from Azerbaijan to the airport on a private plane. The reason is that Telegram refused to hand over user data to regulators. Telegram faces multiple charges, including failure to actively monitor user content, terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud and money laundering. If convicted, Durov will face up to 20 years in prison. Previously, Vkontakte, the largest social platform in Russia he founded, was in trouble for refusing government requests, but Durov never compromised and insisted on protecting the rights of users.

Telegram's future uncertainty and user reactions

So, will Telegram be affected by this incident? The answer is no. On the contrary, it may attract more users because Pavel Durov has created an image of a fighter for freedom. You know, the right to privacy is vital to everyone. The cornerstone of human rights is the right to privacy, and the violation of privacy is often the beginning of the violation of human rights.

The crypto community speaks out: Free Pavl Action

Durov's arrest triggered a strong response in the crypto community. Various communities launched the "Free Pavl" campaign to express their support and solidarity. Crypto world leaders such as Vitalik Buterin, Animoca Brands co-founder Yi Xiao, and Elon Musk spoke out, emphasizing the importance of decentralization for freedom and privacy protection. Justin Sun even announced the creation of Free Pavl DAO and sponsored $1 million to promote related plans.

The necessity of decentralized social platforms: the emergence of Linksay

Regardless of the political system, there is more or less a demand to control people's privacy. For this reason, whether it is a social privacy platform or a public chain, as long as it has decentralized attributes, it is often subject to relevant controls. The current Telegram is essentially still a centralized platform, but Pavel Durov is working hard to practice his ideas on decentralized social networking, freedom of speech and privacy protection. So, is there a social platform that can protect users' social privacy rights while ensuring freedom, security and not being shut down by government forces? The answer is yes, it is Linksay.

Linksay: A privacy-focused social platform based on distributed storage public chain technology

Linksay is built on distributed storage public chain technology. It is a global privacy social platform and decentralized ecosystem, committed to creating a safe, free, decentralized social environment for users, and effectively meeting users' needs for privacy social networking. Linksay plans to achieve 10 million traffic within a year and land on Nasdaq in the form of SPAC, with a market value target of 10 billion US dollars in the first phase.

Linksay’s decentralized presentation

Technical level: The information transmission of Linksay platform relies on node operation. Once the node layout in 197 countries around the world is completed, the platform will never shut down, which is similar to the Bitcoin network and Ethereum network. Moreover, all content is transmitted through end-to-end encryption, and the information obtained by outsiders is just a string of code.

Content level: Linksay combines the features of X platform and Telegram. It not only has social chat and personal homepage functions, but also has online conference rooms, supports Chatgpt and various Ai applications, and will launch short videos and live broadcasts in the future, which will be more decentralized, private and secure.

Opportunities and Challenges in the Transformation of Digital Civilization

We have experienced the chaos of the transition from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization. Now we are in a period of transformation from industrial civilization to digital civilization. Chaos is inevitable. From the arrest of Binance's CZ to the arrest of Telegram's founder, this chaotic situation is reflected. However, it is in such chaos that huge opportunities and wealth are hidden. With the advent of digital civilization, the right to mint coins and media rights have become new rights for every citizen. New technologies are gradually granting these rights to the general public, pushing society towards a more free, open and inclusive direction. With the continuous development of decentralized technology, I believe that the future government and the public will restructure the decentralized world of rights, which is worth looking forward to!

The rise and future development of Linksay

In this context, the rise of decentralized social platforms such as Linksay has undoubtedly injected new vitality and hope into the crypto world. We have reason to believe that in the days to come, these platforms will continue to lead the new trend of privacy social networking and safeguard the freedom and privacy of users.