After 10+ years of cryptocurrency trading, if you want to get rid of the fate of being a loser and move forward steadily in a turbulent environment, you can't do without the help of "Gann's Law". Gann is well-known in the world, and his 92.3% success rate is even more amazing. His valuable experience is worth learning from retail investors.

In life, many things have tricks to follow, and cryptocurrency trading is no exception. You can avoid detours by learning from the experience and lessons of your predecessors. The so-called knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, and understanding the mistakes others have made, can better avoid traps.

Of course, remember that success is not determined by a single factor, but the result of resonance of multiple factors. In the cryptocurrency circle, technical analysis, psychological quality, emotional management, market insight, etc. are indispensable.

When Lao Jiu first came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle, he also studied Gann's method in depth, absorbed the essence, and really benefited a lot. Today, I will share his core concept with you. After reading it carefully, I believe it will be inspiring. #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? #内容挖矿