I still remember that on March 8, 2020, ETH suddenly fell from 250 dollars to 210 dollars, a drop of 17%. BTC also fell from 9,200 dollars to 8,300 dollars, a drop of 10%.
Originally, its rebound momentum was quite good, but when it suddenly fell, I believe everyone in the currency circle was panicking at that time.
I remember that on March 9, 2020, after the U.S. stock market announced its first circuit breaker, the market once again experienced a big plunge. ETH fell from $210 to $190, a drop of 10%. BTC fell from 8,400 knives to 7,700 knives, a drop of 8%. The two consecutive days of plummeting prices have made the Air Force completely revelry, and most of the Air Force has closed their positions.
During the period from March 10, 2020 to March 11, 2020, the market basically adjusted sideways. After two consecutive days of sharp decline, many investors in the currency circle felt that the risk had passed, and even Many people have already opened too much.
Who would have known that March 12, 2020 would be a day of sudden decline. The drop was very, very severe. ETH fell from 1,500 dollars in the bull market to 150 dollars. I did not hold back from opening a full position and going long. 99% of people in the currency circle also felt that the opportunity had come, and then started to go long. Many air force groups also joined the ranks of bargain hunting under the leadership of the group leader.
Basically every person I know in the currency circle, Lao Niu, has already opened a long position.
Who would have known that that night, there would suddenly be a huge plunge. Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, the US stock market ushered in the second circuit breaker. ETH also fell from 190 dollars to 120 dollars that day, a drop of 37%. BTC fell from 8,000 dollars that day. to 5,500 knives, a 31% drop.
Don't ask, Lao Niu, I also lost my position and was very panicked, because I never expected that such a black swan event would happen in the currency circle. I had been speculating in currencies for several years and was dumbfounded. I just lay flat.
Then the altcoin fell nearly ten times. At that time, I felt that the currency circle was going to be over, and there would be no market anymore. This industry was over, this circle was over, everyone was basically liquidated, and no matter how much margin you put up, you basically couldn’t hold it. . After lying down, I felt very relaxed. I felt that it was finally over and I no longer needed to be so tired.
After March 13, 2020, many people who believed in the currency circle began to buy the bottom again. Then those who still had some money or who had not finished playing the game started to piece together things and continue to work hard. Did you think this was all over? Then you are still too naive!
ETH, which had rebounded to 145 dollars, suddenly inserted a needle to 87 dollars. BTC, which has rebounded to 6230, reached 3790 knives with just one pin. Who would have thought that the market that basically took away all my net worth last night would once again usher in nearly 50% of the withdrawal the next day? The price plummeted, and altcoins even fell dozens of times.
I laughed at that time, thinking that Zhuang would just take off!