It sounds like your experience on Telegram highlights a significant issue with how the platform is being used for illegal activities and the challenges around content moderation. The ease with which users can be added to groups, often without their consent, and the prevalence of illegal content in those groups is concerning.

Your experiment of keeping the default settings open to see the extent of the problem revealed how widespread these issues are. Being added to 82 different groups, many of which are engaging in illegal activities, paints a stark picture of how Telegram's features can be exploited. The fact that you continue to receive thousands of messages from these groups even after changing your settings further underscores the platform's role in facilitating such activities.

The recent arrest of Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, in France on charges related to complicity in illegal activities, brings to light the broader debate about the responsibilities of platform operators in moderating content. While illegal activities are present on other social networks, your experience suggests that the problem may be particularly acute on Telegram, raising important questions about how these platforms should be regulated and held accountable.

#TelegramCEO #TelegramDown