TIA today's market analysis:

In the current market pattern, the 1/4 hour level is clearly on the short side, while the 2-hour level is firmly on the long side. Today, special attention should be paid to the price dynamics near 4.5217.

The lower target prices are: 4.3573, 4.2150, and 3.9052. These positions are possible support points and need to be closely watched.

When the market rebounds, the upper target prices are: 4.6039, 4.6956, and 4.9454. These positions may become resistance points for the rebound and are also worthy of attention.

Spot Contract Junyang👉@点这里 加密乘风

For the long-term spot strategy, we remain unchanged: small drop and small buy, big drop and big buy! This is a stable strategy for the current market. #TIA空投 #TIA.智能策略库🥇🥇 #TIA.每日智能策略 #TIA.24小时交易策略 #TIA。请关注我们,获取每日抄底投资建议。 $TIA