U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Shock $8 Trillion Predicted Fed Inflation Flip To Spark A ‘Critical’ Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP And Crypto Price Boom To Rival Gold

BitcoinBTC 0.0%, along with other major cryptocurrencies ethereum and XRPXRP 0.0%, have lost steam after rising into 2023 (though an unexpected release from a large tech corporation could change that).

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Since peaking at about $70,000 per bitcoin in late 2021, the bitcoin price has dropped around 60%, wiping out around $2 trillion from the price of ethereum, XRP, and the rest of the crypto market—even as a BlackRock insider prepares the market for a $17.7 trillion earthquake.

Now, as the Federal Reserve grapples with a $33 trillion US "debt death spiral," Jefferies analysts have warned that the Fed would be compelled to relaunch its quantitative easing programme.