The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has emphasized the importance of providing retail investors with more timely access to fund portfolio data. However, the current regulatory framework falls short in this aspect, as the data is often delayed. Blockchain oracles like Chainlink could offer a solution by connecting blockchains with external data sources, enabling smart contracts to operate based on real-world information. By leveraging decentralized oracle networks, these systems can securely fetch and transmit external data to blockchains, ensuring reliability and tamper-proof data. Chainlink has already demonstrated its ability to provide real-time data feeds for various DeFi applications and collaborate with financial institutions to bring Net Asset Value (NAV) data on-chain. Integrating blockchain oracles into the financial ecosystem could address the SEC's concerns, providing retail investors with timely and standardized access to fund portfolio data, enhancing investor protection, and improving market trend assessment in real-time. Read more AI-generated news on: