Big news! The Fed may cut interest rates in September, but this is not the most shocking thing!

Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve, said that interest rates may be cut in September. But do you know? There may be a bigger plan behind this!

It is quietly rumored in the market that the United States may make a big move to reduce interest rates to negative numbers! Sounds crazy, right? The purpose of doing this is to make the dollar less valuable, so that it will be more convenient to run around the world. But in this way, money will run around everywhere, which may cause prices to soar and inflation to be scary.

Why does the United States do this? The reason is quite simple. The United States owes a lot of money, almost 40 trillion US dollars! It is too difficult to pay off so much money. Therefore, they may have thought of a trick, which is to devalue the dollar, so that the amount owed will be relatively less, a bit like everyone sharing the debt.

Although doing so may damage the reputation of the dollar, the United States is a military power after all, and there are many countries standing on its side, so the status of the dollar may still be stable.

Nowadays, the global financial market is like a roller coaster, up and down, plus various political and cultural frictions, anything can happen. We still have to be more careful and not be caught off guard by sudden changes. #Telegram创始人获保释 #英伟达财报 #OpenSea收到韦尔斯通知 #以太坊基金会 #新币挖矿DOGS $BTC $ETH