📝USDT or BTC, what’s the difference?📖💡

☀️The term “SATS” used in crypto is used as a shortcut for defining the value of a coin that is paired against BTC.

☀️SATS is short for “Satoshis” named after the creator of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto.


If CHZ is currently @0.00000608 BTC per coin

This can be written as 608 SATS instead.

Trading a coin against BTC and USDT makes no difference to your investment, it simply dictates what currency you are using to purchase the coin.

The coin is still the same price, goes up at the same rate and can be sold for USDT or BTC.

When looking at the /BTC pair for a coin you may think it is losing value, however this is not always the case, and vice versa.

/BTC just reflects which asset outperforms the other