Arthur Hayes continues to wait for bullish for Bitcoin: “Money printing machine will work”

Arthur Hayes continues to wait for bullish for Bitcoin: “Money printing machine will work”

Stating that he has been waiting for a rise in cryptocurrencies for a long time on his blog page, Arthur Hayes stated that he is behind this idea and that he expects serious increases in cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, especially with the Fed's interest rate cuts. "I expect a huge rise in those who have a limited number of supplies like Bitcoin," Hayes said.

Arthur Hayes, former CEO of BitMEX, who reads the articles of the crypto world with curiosity, stated that the expectation of rise in cryptocurrencies continues. In his latest blog post, Hayes, who talked about his consecutive summer and winter holidays in the northern and southern hemispheres, combined the diet here with cryptocurrency comments.

“The difference between sugar and real food...”

Stating that he sometimes buys densely sugar-laden chocolate foods because he needs quick energy during the winter vacation, Hayes compared the Fed's experience to "the intense feeling of hunger that comes after the feeling of fullness after taking sugar".

“In my opinion, the price of money is like the candies I eat... It gives a short-term feeling of fullness. Your instant glucose needs are being met. However, the amount of money is real food. They are dishes that are burned for a long time and slowly. Reducing interest rates creates a positive effect for investors in the short term. Like sugar... Real food, on the other hand, will be central banks' balance sheet expansion, that is, injecting liquidity into the market through money printing. This is what the economy really needs in the long run”