The founder of the TON project was released after paying a 5 million fine but was prohibited from leaving the country. Apart from the news, from a technical point of view, the large-scale decline the day before yesterday is the best opportunity to buy at the bottom, but don’t blindly chase the rise. The RSI indicator has entered the overbought zone and there is a risk of a pullback at any time. If you are short, we can wait patiently. On the news side, Pavel Durov faces multiple legal challenges in Europe. The EU is also reviewing Telegram’s alleged violation of the Digital Services Act (DSA), especially in terms of underreporting the number of users. In addition, Durov is also facing an unrelated criminal charge in Switzerland, accusing his former partner of child abuse, which adds another layer of controversy, so this matter is not a short-term matter, it is a relatively long event! Need to wait patiently! #TON生态