RWA Layer 2 network Plume Network announced the launch of Plume Goon NFT on X and received a bonus for testnet activities.

Officials said that this is the first phase of the test network activities, and more activities will be launched in the future.

It is reported that Plume Network announced the completion of a $10 million seed round of financing, led by Haun Ventures, with participation from Galaxy Ventures, Superscrypt, A Capital, SV Angel, Portal Ventures and Reciprocal Ventures, as well as angel investors including Anthony Ramirez of Wormhole Labs and Calvin Liu of Eigenlayer.

Step 1: Open the link

Link a wallet, preferably the OUYI web3 wallet.

Step 2: Click on the three horizontal lines to enter.

Step 3: Get test coins and bind to Twitter X

Step 4: Receive water, gas fee is Ethereum, receive goon tokens, exchange tokens, and pledge to earn NEST tokens

Step 5: Sign in every day to claim your mileage, which can be exchanged for tokens later.

Step 6: If you sign in and complete tasks every day for about a week, you can mint NFTs. Complete the following tasks to earn miles. You can do them every day.

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