12 projects listed on futu in the past 20 days and reached Top Gainer with many other low-cap coins

=> Move to encourage retail trade, take advantage of FOMO wave to push up prices of non-hold retail tokens

=> Future is the most suitable + Projects with low Cap are easier to push


continues to list $MBOX while the Market dump this morning has caused anxiety again.

=> List $MBOX futu, a low-cap to create more games and attract more liquidity

Recently, the floor has been actively pushing low-cap goods to futu to help members recover from the port while also indirectly pushing the goods the floor holds a lot while the market lacks outstanding cash flow.

Especially in the context of large projects with many holders only moving according to $BTC

Note that T9 is expected to have the first interest rate cut in 4 years from the FED => Many fluctuations

For those who want to speculate low-cap on the futu list expectation, please manage capital carefully, don't be greedy for big volume.

WORTH SAYING, I think many of the characters on this list have the potential to be delisted SOON! This story will be discussed in the following tweets, stay tuned!

  1. #Write2Earn #BTC #Mbox #xrp