A South Korean crypto entrepreneur, accused of embezzling $826 million from investors, was attacked in court. The Telegram Open Network went offline due to a memecoin frenzy. Meanwhile, Vitalik Buterin revealed the Ethereum Foundation's 2023 spending. Hugo Hyungsoo Lee, CEO of Haru Invest, was stabbed during a Seoul court session. Lee and two others were charged with stealing cryptocurrency from 16,000 users. The TON network halted transactions for over six hours, blamed on the DOGS memecoin launch. DOGS hit $1.7 billion in trading volume and a market cap of $891 million. Buterin detailed the foundation's expenses, with a focus on network development and community support. He refuted claims of anti-DeFi sentiment, emphasizing a commitment to sustainable projects. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news