The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has suspended a significant arms deal with France, involving the purchase of 80 Rafale fighter jets, in response to the arrest of Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram. This decision, which has been reported across various platforms, underscores a notable escalation in diplomatic tensions between the UAE and France.

The deal’s value has been reported variably, with figures ranging from $10 billion to $20 billion, indicating the economic scale of the suspension.

Reason for Suspension

The arrest of Pavel Durov, who holds citizenship in both France and the UAE, has been directly linked to this suspension. Durov was detained in France over issues related to Telegram’s handling of illicit activities, including drug trafficking and child pornography.

This move by the UAE not only affects the arms deal but also signals potential broader implications for military and technical cooperation between the two countries. The UAE’s reaction, including seeking consular access to Durov, highlights the seriousness with which they view his arrest.

Public Sentiment and Advocacy

There’s considerable discussion and advocacy on platforms like X (formerly Twitter) with hashtags like #FREEDUROV, indicating public and possibly influential figures’ interest in Durov’s case and the broader implications of his arrest on international relations.

This situation reflects not just a commercial dispute but also touches on issues of sovereignty, international law, and the protection of citizens abroad, making it a complex diplomatic incident. The suspension of the Rafale jet deal serves as a strong statement from the UAE, potentially affecting future defense contracts and collaborations with France.

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