In recent days, the world has been shaken by the news of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov and the global protests that followed. With freedom of speech and privacy under renewed threat, the community is uniting under the banner of #DigitalResistance. Over 2 million people have already signed the Open Letter, joining the movement in support of Durov and his fight for digital freedom.
This powerful public response has become a real catalyst, inspiring millions of people around the world to unite for a common cause. Every signature in the Open Letter under the hashtag#FREEDUROVis of great importance in the fight to preserve our rights in the digital age. The campaign has attracted the attention of politicians, public figures and even cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
One of the most unexpected consequences of this global movement was the sharp increase in the value of the DOGS token. This memecoin, symbolizing resistance and defiance of the system, increased in price by 25% amid news of the massive support of the community and the freezing of a major project to supply 80 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia in protest against the arrest of Pavel Durov. Investors and traders saw in this sign not only support for the movement, but also faith in the future of cryptocurrencies as symbols of independence and freedom.
The freeze on fighter jet deliveries, initiated by several countries, was another symbolic act demonstrating that the world will no longer stand by silently as rights and freedoms are being undermined. This decision was perceived as a strong gesture of solidarity with the#DigitalResistancemovement and underlines the readiness of the international community to stand up for its principles.
The rise in#DOGSshows how much public sentiment can influence financial markets. When millions of people come together for a common cause, it not only helps spread ideas, but also has a real impact on the economy and politics. DOGS, which has risen by 25%, has become a symbol of resistance and hope for a brighter future where everyone’s rights are protected.