It broke the $#Bitcoin 62,000 support.

It is currently trading at $61,700.

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The daily close we will make today is important. If we make a daily close below $62,000 at #BTC , I will close my harmless long trade from the region I entered as I said in my signal.

However, I do not think we will make a daily close below $62,000 at $BTC . Because market makers will not allow the open short trades to be saved, on the contrary, they will set a bearish trap and allow them to open more short trades.

Even if we make a daily close below 62K, I will close my trade as a precaution. Because our direction is now up. There is liquidation of over 1 billion dollars sleeping soundly at the 70K level above.

If I were a market maker, I wouldn't leave this liquidation to the anchovies. I would pull my line while the anchovies were baiting my line.

Make sure you follow me so you don't miss any important developments.

I spent a lot of time and effort writing this article and trying to make it really useful for you, so please like, comment, bookmark and share. Thanks 🙏


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