The long-awaited listing of Telegram's memecoin, DOGS, recently took place. It seemed like everything was going swimmingly, but the party was spoiled: Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested on the evening of August 25. What does this mean for the future of DOGS? Are all hopes for a price increase dashed by his arrest?
Secrets of DOGS Tokenomics: Who Got How Much?
August 26 was a big date for DOGS investors: 502.48 billion tokens entered the market on that day, representing 91.4% of the total supply. To understand how this will impact the market, we need to look at the distribution:
Community: 72.7% (400.02 billion DOGS) - Mass airdrop of tokens to users. But will this be a generous gift or a threat?
Marketing: 9.18% (50.49 billion DOGS) - money for promotion, but will it be enough to support the price?
Liquidity: 5.45% (29.89 billion DOGS) - like a drop in the ocean?
Team: 5.36% (29.48 billion DOGS) - do they deserve this share?
Binance Launchpool: 4% (22B DOGS) - Sounds Solid, But What's Next?
Consulting: 3.27% (17.9 billion DOGS) - Investment in wisdom or a waste of tokens?
The price of the question: is DOGS flying or falling?
502.48 billion new tokens is a huge number that could flood the market. If demand can’t digest such supply, the price could collapse. What about the community airdrop? Is that a risk or an opportunity? It all depends on whether people hold on to their tokens or rush to sell them.
Price forecast: dreams and reality
$DOGS originally hit the market with a price of $0.0013 to $0.0015 per token. This would put the market cap between $653.22 million and $1.005 billion. Sounds impressive, but will it be enough to offset the negative news?
Durov's Arrest: A Blow to $DOGS?
The news of the arrest of the Telegram founder could not help but shake up the market. Panic, mistrust and fear - all this can lead to massive sell-offs. Will the starting price really fall below $0.0012? Anything is possible.
The Future of DOGS: Hope Dies Last?
If the community continues to support the project and market conditions remain favorable, the price may stabilize. Gradually issuing tokens to the team and advisors may ease the pressure on the market. But will it be enough? Time will tell!