What kind of people are most likely to succeed in cryptocurrency trading?

The old man in the cryptocurrency circle knows Liang Xi, who went from a principal of 1,000 to 10 million and then fell into debt. Liang Xi's lesson:

Ordinary people should invest steadily. Charlie Munger said that when the probability of success is high, make a big bet, and the key is to stay put for the rest of the time, and invest more in waiting, to ensure the safety of funds.

What kind of people are likely to succeed in cryptocurrency trading? Those who seem silly but can stick to the end. People who are too smart are unlikely to achieve great things, because they are easily afraid of gains and losses and lose more than they gain, and they think they can see through the layout, which is not worth the loss.

Newcomers who enter the cryptocurrency market think they are smart, and short-term transactions chase hot currencies, but their smartness backfires.

The dealer uses the "smart people" to make profits in a short period of time to harvest retail investors, and the market rewards people with patience, discipline, integrity and a grateful mentality.

We should not guess the dealer, but should strengthen ourselves, recognize our own weakness, admit that we are stupid, and use stupid methods to hoard coins without crowding. Give up idealism, store Bitcoin with peace of mind, invest regularly, and increase your position when the price drops. It is not difficult to make money.

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