Odaily Planet Daily News Cryptocurrency investment company Galaxy Digital released a research report, believing that the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France may be just the beginning of stricter regulation of social media platforms. The report pointed out that Durov's arrest may be related to Telegram's refusal to cooperate with the European or French government's information deletion or information provision requirements. Galaxy research director Alex Thorn said it is not clear whether the charges against Durov involve the TON blockchain or Telegram's integration with TON. The report emphasized that although the TON blockchain has more than 350 global verification nodes, the number of nodes actually controlled by Telegram is unknown, which makes TON's ability to withstand pressure in the face of government crackdowns questionable. Galaxy pointed out that the value of TON depends largely on its integration with Telegram. How future blockchain projects can avoid being accused of assisting criminal activities may depend on their degree of decentralization. Although French prosecutors said Durov may be released as early as Wednesday this week, participants in the prediction platform Polymarket are not optimistic about this and are more inclined to bet that he will be released before the end of September. (Coindesk)