-Late last night, I was immersed in endless reverie about the future trend of $BTC, and I sketched out two "scripts" in my mind that might make retail investors fall into despair. Although these two scenes are not based on rigorous technical analysis, they are enough to touch people's hearts and let us step into this imaginary financial storm together.

Scenario 1: The sudden cooling after the frenzy

Imagine that $BTC gracefully pulled back from yesterday's high of 65,000, and then rushed to new heights like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins - 68,000, 70,000, and even 73,000, and finally bravely tested the boundary of 75,000. Along the way, countless retail investors entered the market in hesitation and expectation, silently saying in their hearts: "The violent bull market, you are finally here!" However, just when this carnival reached its peak, the market suddenly turned its face, like a sudden rain in summer, washing away all the bubbles. Those who were reveling at the top were instantly trapped and became the most unfortunate victims of this game.

Scenario 2: The despair of a frog being boiled in warm water

But what is even more terrifying is perhaps another picture. After BTC paused for a while near 65,000, it did not choose a clear direction, but began a long journey of sideways trading. Ups and downs, seemingly calm, but in fact undercurrents are surging. The market generally expects that BTC is unlikely to sink, so as time goes by, more and more bulls can no longer hold back and enter the market. They firmly believe that "sideways for a long time will rise", BTC has found new support and is about to start a new round of rise. However, at this moment, the market broke their fantasy in an almost cruel way. BTC began to slide slowly and steadily, and every small decline seemed to lure more bulls into the market, until finally, when everyone thought it was the best time to buy, it did not hesitate to start the real decline mode. At that moment, all hopes turned into bubbles.

Of course, these two scenarios are just my imagination, and the actual market trend is much more complicated than this. But in any case, we should all remember one thing: in this market full of variables, the main force is always looking for opportunities to trap more retail investors. They are not philanthropists, but ruthless hunters. Therefore, in the process of investment, it is particularly important to remain rational, cautious and patient. Let us wait and see how the market will interpret this financial drama next!